How to Get Slack Notification When Somone stars Your GitHub Repo

Published: Sep 22, 2018
2 min read
Last updated: Sep 22, 2018

GitHub, which was recently bought by Microsoft is where developers around the world showcase their skills. Number of stars in a project determines its popularity & usefulness. GitHub doesn't seem to have any feature to notify you when your repository is starred or forked. You can only get to know this detail from your dashboard.

slack notification when a github project receives a star

There's a trick you can implement to get notified about the following GitHub events on Slack.

  • Someone stars your project.
  • Someone forks your project.
  • Someone you follow stars a repository.
  • Someone you follow forks a repository.
  • Someone you follow creates a repository.
  • Someone you follow starts following someone.
  • The master branch of the repository you watch gets new commits.

How it works

To fetch events from GitHub, you're going to get your account feed URL from GitHub dashboard. Scroll to the bottom of your dashboard. Right-click the link Subscribe to your news feed and select Copy link address. We'll use that feed URL to push notification on your Slack.

github dashboard newsfeed link

How to start notifications

First of all, add RSS app to your Slack workspace. Once it's successfully installed, sign-in to your Slack workspace. You can make the notification come on any channel or direct message. Open the chat area and paste the below command. Replace marked text with your feed URL.

/feed subscribe

You may also like - How to know the size & creation date of a GitHub repo.

To get notified about pull requests, issues, comments, releases, deployments you can use GitHub - Slack integration.

How to stop the notifications

Open the chat area and send /feed list. You will get the list of feeds subscribed with ids. Now, copy the id for the GitHub feed. Then, send the below message after replacing the marked id with yours.

/feed remove 429214023040


  • You can't configure or control what you receive.
  • Notification just serves the purpose and doesn't look fancy.
  • Notifications are usually delayed by 10 - 20mins.

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