How to Prevent Argument too large error in Google Apps Script When you try to store a huge amount of data in property/cache, you get Argument too large error. You can prevent it with a workaround.
Why & How I run 5 different applications on the same server You may not need a separate server for your new app. Trust me, usually, your server can run more than one web app. Know how to host more apps on one server.
8 Things You Must Know to Get a Head Start on Google Apps Script A handful of things you got to know about Google App Scripts before you start writing one. Get a quick head start which helps you publish your first Add-on.
How to Know the Size and Creation Date of GitHub Repositories Get the size and creation date of GitHub repositories with a click of a button. You don't need any browser extension. It supports private/org repos too.
How to Authorize Google APIs without repeated User Consent Know how to obtain and use refresh token to create credentials object for successful authorization without requesting for user's permission.